
Monday, January 26, 2009

To work or not to work....

That is the question... Last month I took a temp job to help us out with our debt. Now they want to hire me. Anyone else would think this is a no-brainer. But for me, it's not.

I would be basically be having grandma raise grand-baby if I take this. Corey is graduating soon and his schedule will be crazy. Odds are, we wont see each other too often.

But if I take this I could pay off our debt and possibly save enough money for a down payment on a house. Who doesn't want a house? More importantly- who wants debt?

But the real question is... is this God's will for us?

My heart wants to stay at home with my daughter- but the sensible survey says, "Go to work, pay off debt, even buy a house!" I can commit to a few months to pay off debt- but then what? I know I will probably want more. (More $crilla that is).

I have workaholic tendencies. I can't do a good job unless I care about what I'm doing and if I care about what I'm doing, I can become obsessed. Do I really want to become obsessed about work at this point in my life? And if I'm obsessed with work guess what I'm not obsessed with- God.

It's a potentially harmless path- but there could be danger laying ahead.

Praying for an answer,