
Monday, April 13, 2009

Work, Work, Work, Kid

I have come to the conclusion that I am probably the worst blogger ever. I write few and far between. But for those still paying attention... I want to be a Stay-At-Home Mommer!

OK SO, I went back to work. It's been, work. I have been doing my job but my heart is definitely else where. I am surprised to hear that I am doing a good job but I feel like I have no drive or focus. It has been distracting. I am very unbalanced. Needless to say we are praying about me going back to being at home.

The good news, we have paid off some major debts we owed. We still have debt, it's just not as bad. We were able to have a 1st Birthday Party for Adia and Corey's front tooth came out and we were able to pay to get that taken care of. But now, I am missing out on raising Adia. She is already a year old! if I count December, I have missed out on almost 4 months!

My goal is to be on fire for Jesus and if I am always distracted and stretched thin I don't commit to Him first. Lord help us to be diligent and obedient seeking you and your will daily!

Over and out,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your little pictures that you do. They're soooo cute!
Still praying for you to be an at-home-momma and trusting God will open and close all the right doors.