
Monday, April 26, 2010

Midnight Art

Everyone who knows me knows I don't sleep at night. I feel like it's because my brain is running a marathon and is determined to finish. Usually my late nights consist of art. All types of art. Since I was in Jr. High I have kept a file of all my pieces and entitled my work Midnight Art.

It's weird to say that I am an artist because I am not well-known nor have I yet to sell any of the work I have done. Like any other artist I usually love the piece so much that I begin to hate it. Which is probably why I don't post pictures. But I want to expand my horizons and art is such a vital part of who I am, this ardent heart...

So here is my latest finished project...

 I am throwing my dear friend a baby shower and I made the invitations in photoshop. They printed out wonderfully! 

I also painted this with watercolors and a ball-point pen edging with my blog in mind- although this isn't the direction I will go I was kind of inspired by it to do something else


Anonymous said...

I'm up late too :) and VICTORIOUS with the lining up of things for your header. I am ready when you are to go live!

Anonymous said...

You are SO dang talented, Sue and I want to see more of your work showcased on this here blog! Midnight Art is loverly!!